Future Pairings
This Is where I will try to keep our future pairings updated. Keeping in Mind we are not a large scale Kennel. So we will only have a few litters a year.
Please reach out if you are interested in any of these pairings as our waiting lists tend to fill up relatively quick and I wouldn't want you to miss your opportunity.
We do not ask for a deposit to be placed on the waiting list, simply an approved application. All that we ask is if you happen to find a puppy elsewhere is to inform us so we can clear up a place for someone else who may want on it.
We have consulted our reproductive vet and read through extensive research and decided that breeding our girls back to back will be the best course of action for our breeding program.
Of course each girl is given a thorough exam and clean bill of health before each breeding. Our dogs are part of our family so their health will always come first and foremost.
Please keep in mind that these pairings are estimated on heats falling on a regular schedule and this does not always happen. So dates may vary, As may studs. I will keep this updated to real time as it comes.
* Myths And Legends does reserve first pick of any litter we produce.
Luna & Ares
Heat: Early May 2022
Due: Early/Mid July 2022
Go Home: Late September 2022
Coat Type: Standard and Semi Wooly
Possible Colors: Black and White, Gray and White, All White, Splash Coat Patters,

Luna & Kozmo
Heat: November 2022
Due: January 2023
ETA on leave date: March
Coat Type: Standard and Semi Wooly
Possible Colors: Black and White, Red and White, Gray and White, All White, Piebald and Splash coat patterns.
This pairing is TBD - but is the plan as of now.

Arwen & Kozmo
Heat: December 2022
Due: February 2023
Go Home: May 2023
Coat Type: Standard
Possible Colors: Black and White, Gray and White, All White, Agouti and White.